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 Everyone always asks "what's your favourite film?" and "who's your fave director??". I almost get sick and tired of hearing it, although this is EXACTLY what I, myself, usually ask people i'm getting to know (gotta make sure we're on the same wave length). So i give my answer and everytime, EVERYTIME, i get a certain look that tells me i am speaking complete gobbledeegook!. Spielberg is what people WANT to hear (don't get me wrong i am a fan), the reason is simple.........most people only know one director and his name is the Spiel-of-Berg!.


Anyways, going back to the question, i would have to answer, fave director, Sam Raimi and fave film.......erm.....Evil Dead 2!!. Now many people have seen his films but the average joe won't know it. You begin to list a series of his best titles, Evil Dead (obviously), Darkman, The Quick and The Dead. Nope, no lights on....Then you say "he also did the original spiderman trilogy" and ding ding we have a winner. To which you will get the reply "he's ok".......which is a fair statement i suppose. However now school is in and it's my job to teach them. Ok, Raimi's movies are FANTASTIC!, funny, scary, dramatic, tongue in cheek (in parts) and extremely well shot. I love how it's all mixed together no matter what genre he's tackling. The camera gets the old Raimi medication and starts to jump, sway, stagger and dance as we move through the scenes. Clearly Sam is getting his audience close to the action and knows his craft well. Now i don't want to go through all my favourite classic zany raimi moments scene by scene (i do really but i won't because you've probably stopped reading this ramble already), but i will say this, the man's a LEGEND.

  I would say i'm COMPLETELY in debt to this director/writer/producer person and i don't think i would be making shorts/films if it wasn't for Mr Raimi and Evil Dead 2. For me that is the perfect movie (the gore, the set, the style, Bruce Campbell, the book) and i don't think that will ever change.....unless i get hit by a car and start liking Michael Bay movies (will NEVER happen).

So there's my Raimi connection out there for everyone to see, hope you don't mind and if your a fan of his work then drop me an email and we can get back to that in depth discussion on classic Raimi-esque zany moments for a month or two. 


The Sam Raimi connection

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